give me female hormones to make my breasts grow. What did you think you were going to get...a son whom at the drop of a hat can change into your lovely 'daughter', then back again when a 'son' is needed?" My outburst surprised even me!

"I...I...I don't know what I thought," mother began, obviously on the verge of tears, "First, the thought of my son going to such a great acting school seemed so important . . .then when I saw you dressed like a girl for the first time, I saw in you, my 'girl', the one I lost." Tears were now streaming down her face. I was feeling a little bit guilty for speaking so harshly.

"What 'girl' that you lost?" I asked with a puzzled tone.

What came next, made me feel like a heel. Mother told me about a pregnancy that she lost in the sixth month, when I was just two years old. It would have been my young sister. The doctors recommended that my mother not become pregnant again due to the risks her condition entailed for her and any baby. Losing a pregnancy at that late a date was an emotional catastrophe for mother. When my father passed away she still wasn't over it. My emergence as an "actress" made her feel like she had regained her daughter. She was most apologetic at having been so selfish. I couldn't help it, but I confessed that I enjoyed some of these new experiences and had she told me all this sooner, I would have understood and not felt such anger at being tricked into it.

It, all ended with mother and 'daughter' crying in each others arms. Passers-by must have wondered what all the tears were about.

Before mother left to return home, she met with the school administrators. Afterward, she came to me and said, "I understand what they are trying to do now. Many great actors learn to change their bodies for 'great roles'. Most roles just require losing or gaining weight but you must learn to perfect.' Students take on completely unfamiliar roles and learn to become comfortable as that personality. When you 'become' Cathy, you will comprehend what acting is all about."

We knew that we had reached a new understanding and I made a promise that I would do everything possible to make mom proud of my acting and studies. If it gave her pleasure to see me as her 'daughter' while I was learning, that was okay!

Saturday, the day of the dance, the tress wing of the dorm was a beehive of activity. Thank goodness Michelle had the foresight to book us beauty salon appointments as soon as the dance date was announced. The school's beauty salon brought in extra staff from the nearby town so that all available hairdressing stations were in use. They were scheduling appointments for as early as 7:00 AM to accommodate all the tress boys needing that 'special hairdo'.


I'd really dieted the week prior to "dance day", so that I would look great in that form-hugging red dress. In the morning, Michelle and I both showered and meticulously shaved our legs and underarms. This was followed by rubbing in a scented skin lotion that left our legs looking silky smooth. We took turns cleaning-up each other's eyebrows so that they would be thin, graceful curves. We giggled, because we jokingly kept using our boy names and voices while performing these extremely feminine grooming tasks. After another hour of debate over the kinds of hairdos we were going to ask for, it was time to get ready for our hairdresser's appointments. Because we were going to change all our clothes from the skin out for the dance, we dressed casually in simple wool skirts and everyday blouses, our hair in simple ponytails tied with pink ribbons.

The salon was a madhouse. There were women, girls and tresses all over the place in various stages of hairdressing. Michelle and I were worked on by two hairdressers at adjoining workstations. I watched in the mirror as the operators swiftly set our shampooed hair in large, colorful rollers. It was nice to have someone else work on your hair. That's why Michelle and I enjoyed doing each other's every night before bedtime. Sleeping on rollers was one of those minor pains that we put up with to look beautiful.

Once my head was completely covered in neatly-wound curlers, a large pink triangular hairnet was carefully lowered over it and tied securely in back. Michelle and I were both placed under hairdryers at the same time and given some fashion magazines to read. Because of the number of customers, our operators didn't get back to us for almost 40 minutes. I thought I was going to cook! However, I knew that my long, thick hair was slow to dry and I probably needed the extra time anyway. One of the beauticians came over and replucked my eyebrows giving them more of an arch, then showed me how to highlight them with an eyebrow pencil. The beautician made me an appointment with the electrologist to have them permanently arched.

While sitting there waiting, I watched as Carrie (aka Calvin Mitchell), a third year tress, had his gorgeous reddish-blond hair combed out. It was nearly mid-back length, and now fell in luscious curls and waves. His eyes were bright with happiness as he watched himself in the mirror, being transformed into a real "vixen". He sat comfortably in a salon cape, the thin nylon material 'tented' out by his full distended bosom. As I stared, I remembered how I used to stare at girl's busts. I had to admit, I felt a pang of jealousy that he was going to look so good! I even worried that he may decide to wear a red dress to go with that beautiful hair of his.. .then I'd really be angry. I wanted to be the "Red Lady" tonight!

Michelle saw my stare at Carrie; because of the noise from the hairdryers over our heads, he just mouthed the words, "don't worry. . .he's not so hot. . .the little tart!". We both laughed.